Friday, July 31, 2009

Who burned the popcorn?

Damn you, Forbes Magazine. You get us all excited with your list that has Buffalo as one of the top cities for singles….and then we find out you’re also trashing our most famous single person.

It seems earlier this week Forbes came out with a list of the 10 most disliked people in sports, and Terrell Owens is number four….following only Michael Vick, Manny Ramirez, and Alex Rodriguez. Forbes calls him an “attention-seeking diva”.

How dare they? Don’t they know how beloved he is? Don’t they know all the prima donna stuff is just an act? Don’t they know everything that happened in every other city was blown out of proportion and not his fault? Don’t they watch his show?

But I’m just as angry at our local media. Where’s the outrage? Why hasn’t anyone blown this out of proportion? Why haven’t they asked Forbes the tough questions?

This stinks!

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