Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bats, balls, & bozos

I have to admit, when I hear the word “rabies”, it does get my attention. But I’m not sure whether this story should focus on the potential for a case of rabies, or a real case of stupidity.

Some bozo at the Bisons game Tuesday was seen handling a bat. Yes, the kind that flies, not the kind used to hit a fly ball.

Why anyone would do that is beyond me….but then again, I do have some common sense. At any rate, the health department wants to find the idiot and anyone else who might have had contact with the bat so they can get rabies shots. That’s because the critter wasn’t caught and tested….so you have to assume it could be rabid. (I really don’t like that word)

In case you were at the game, the moron was sitting in section 116. The good news is, while the shots are painful they will prevent rabies. Unfortunately, there’s no vaccine for stupidity.

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