Thursday, August 27, 2009

Stupid criminals hall of fame

If there was an Olympics for stupid criminals, we would have a gold medal winner.

Let make this clear… no way am I trying to help criminals succeed in their dirty deeds….but I think it’s very important to pass along the lesson learned by a Rochester man who’s under arrest for bank robbery. When you give the teller a note demanding cash, MAKE SURE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS ARE NOT ON IT!

Yes, we have a real master criminal here. The guy wrote his holdup note on the back of a TRAFFIC TICKET he had recently received. It contained his name, his address…even his date of birth.

But the dude might actually have gotten away with it despite his stupidity except that he’s also clumsy. You see, while running away from the bank, he dropped the money! He did manage to pick up most of the loot….but not the note. So when police arrived on the scene….being the highly-trained investigators they are….one of them picked up the note and said “hmmmmmm, I think this is a clue”. Needless to say, this was a fairly easy arrest to make.

At least he didn’t crash into a police car while making his getaway.

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