Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Albany lunacy

Okay, I’m really annoyed with the New York State Senate. It has given pay raises to about 50 members of its staff. Some of those raises are more than $10,000 a year!

Didn’t the state have a hiring freeze earlier this year because of the budget mess? Didn’t the state decide to charge us new fees and taxes because of the budget mess? WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY THINKING?

Whose idea was this? Never mind the fact that a whole bunch of senators had to approve it….some idiot had to propose the idea in the first place. One of our elected officials had to say to his fellow senators “Hey guys, I think we should give our staffers raises. I know we’ve been screwing the taxpayers, but our staffers deserve more money.”

Let’s not forget, taxpayers are already facing an increase because the state pension plan tanked when the stock market tanked, and we have to make up for the shortfall. My 401k went into the toilet too, but no one is bailing me out.

You may recall, just yesterday a new poll came out that showed more than half the voters in New York want to throw everyone out of state government and start over. (See the post directly beneath this one) I said yesterday that voters have short memories, and the next election isn’t until a year from November. But I guess we can always count on Albany to keep the anger alive

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