Monday, August 24, 2009

Political poll dancing

This just in….New Yorkers don’t think very highly of state government.

There’s a new Siena Research Institute poll out today, and 54% of the voters surveyed believe state political leaders have less integrity and work ethic than politicians of the past. So here’s my question….why do ONLY 54% feel that way? Hello? Have we forgotten what’s been happening in Albany this year?

Let’s recap some of the highlights of the last few months at the Capitol:
*Budget fiasco
*Republican coup
*Democratic re-coup
*Tom Golisano plays Bigfoot
*Taxpayers get screwed

The same number….54%....wish they could throw the bums out and start over. But before you get your hopes up and think this poll means change is coming…a little history. Voters usually have short memory. A few years ago, when Erie County was in its budget mess, county residents said they were outraged at the county legislature. A bunch of legislators chickened out and decided not to run for re-election. But every incumbent who did run, was re-elected. And the next state election is more than a year away.

But on the other hand, we are talking about Albany….so there will probably be plenty of opportunities for state lawmakers to keep the voters angry.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect. So with the margin of error taken into consideration...half the state would like to retain our current leadership??!! That was great when they held up state funds due to in-fighting. I'd like to B-slap the respondents satisfied with status quo.
